Bacamarte – Depois do Fim (1983)

17 09 2012

Link original: Bacamarte – Depois do Fim (1983)
Publicado em: Monday, October 22, 2007 by zecalouro

Hello, good evening. I will start this Monday showing something very different from what we use to see available at Loronix. In spite of being a Brazilian progressive rock album, I think this music really belongs to Loronix. Every friend with a bit of curiosity and willing to hear a masterpiece on a style never made available at Loronix should take this one for a hearing. I was hunting this album for a long time; in fact, the hunting is not over, this is another of those albums that I had when young that had disappeared from my possession. Anyway, better summarize with a statement, this is a MASTERPIECE. Let’s see.

This is Bacamarte – Depois do Fim (1983), for Som-Arte Discos. I’m making available the 1995 Som-Arte CD reissue from the original 1983 first and independent issue. Depois do Fim is internationally acclaimed, I read some reviews a couple of minutes ago at, which is the ultimate resource for progressive rock music, and I need to highlight an excerpt of a review made by James Unger, an official reviewer, as follows:

“If you were going to buy only 1 cd this year you should make it BACAMARTE’s “Depois Do Fim”. Brazillian progressive rock masterpiece with incredible musicianship and the gorgeous voice of Jane Duboc, who adds an Annie Haslam influence to the music. BACAMARTE delivers killer guitar with amazing keyboards around some superb melodies. Songs change themes, tempo and moods frequently with epic delivery. “Depois Do Fim” was well recorded and has been masterfully transferred to CD offering excellent sound quality, instrument distinction and speaker separation. An exceptionally intoxicating album I endorse with the greatest of convictions… wonderful music.” James Unger,

Do I need to say more? I don’t think so. Tracks include:


Jane Duboc
Mario Neto
(guitar, violao)
Sergio Villarim
Delto Simas
(electric bass, acoustic bass)
Marcos Verissimo
Marcus Moura
(flute, accordion)
Mr. Paul

Track List

01 – UFO (Mário Neto)
02 – Smog Alado (Mário Neto)
03 – Miragem (Mário Neto)
04 – Pássaro de Luz (Mário Neto)
05 – Caño (Marcus Moura)
06 – Último Entardecer (Mário Neto / Sergio Villarim)
07 – Controvérsia (Delto Simas / Marco Veríssimo)
08 – Depois do Fim (Mário Neto)


Esse disco pode ser buscado no 300 Discos.



Uma resposta

17 09 2012

Comentários originais:
J Thyme…kind said…
What a find! Very, very nice!

Tuesday, 23 October, 2007
Anonymous said…
This record is pretty nice … I have a CD that was reissued by Rarity (I think).
If Jane Duboc kept doing things so interesting … unfortunately she went to the dark side of the force :->

Thursday, 25 October, 2007
Vlad said…
Thanks Zeca!!! It was nice to hear two live songs.
I’m still on my quest for cdda… 😉

Saturday, 27 October, 2007
Zamuro said…
Great! It sounds sometimes like Jethro Tull, Camel, Yes or E, L & P but the Brazilian touch gives its own style. Thanks Zeca.

Friday, 09 November, 2007
Hanny Jucá said…
Hi, I would like to know when the som-arte version was really released, was it 1995 or 1996? And on what month of the year? THANKS! Ah, if anyone is interested I have this in FLAC 🙂

Sunday, 16 March, 2008
Yann said…
am indeed interested in the FLAC version ?

Monday, 30 March, 2009

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