O Lirio Selvagem – Tete e O Lirio Selvagem (1978)

2 05 2012

Link original: O Lirio Selvagem – Tete e O Lirio Selvagem (1978)
Publicado em: Thursday, June 21, 2007 by zecalouro

The friends from the very first beginning had the chance to know this album and this group at Loronix. It was the first album posted at Loronix, while the website was on development stage, being removed before the first month. I have been wondering to make a repost some weeks ago and I hope you have a good entertainment with this album, one of the first that I could buy with my own money.

This group comes from Mato Grosso, a Brazilian state inside the Pantanal and it is very influenced by the music of the countries that borders that region, Paraguay and Bolivia, being one of the most original creations on Brazilian popular music in the 70’s.

This is O Lirio Selvagem – Tete e O Lirio Selvagem (1978), for Philips. O Lirio Selvagem is formed by four brothers, the Espindola’s, Tete, Alzira, Geraldo and Marcelo (Celito). This is their first and only album and it is nice and delicious to hear, mixing Brazilian MPB from the 70’s with Guaranias, which is the regional music from Paraguay. I like all tracks, but you can start with track, sorry, no hints this time, this is a solid album from the start to end. Tracks include:


O Lirio Selvagem

Tete Espindola
(voice, craviola)
Geraldo Espindola
(voice, violao, craviola)
Alzira Espindola
(voice, violao, violao 12 cordas)
Celito Espindola
(voice, bass, violao)


Marco Aurélio Bissi
Sergio Lopes
Luiz Carlos Maluly
(guitar, craviola)
Luiz Roberto Oliveira
(shyntetsizer, violao)
Nelson Ayres
Hamilson Godoy
Mauro Herrero
(ocarina, violao)
Mario and Germano

Track List

01 – É necessário (Geraldo Espíndola)
02 – Rio de luar (Geraldo Espíndola)
03 – Vôos claros (Geraldo Espíndola)
04 – Quando você tá por perto (Marcelo Espíndola)
05 – Andorinha manca (Geraldo Espíndola)
06 – Caucaia (Marcelo Espíndola – Carlos Rennó)
07 – Na catarata (Alzirz Espíndola – Carlos Rennó)
08 – Bem-te-vi (Geraldo Espíndola)
09 – Em Piralenta (Geraldo Espíndola)
10 – Santa Branca (Geraldo Roco)
11 – Pássaro sobre o cerrado (Tetê – Carlos Rennó)
12 – Alegria de cantarolar (vocal -Tetê)


Este disco pode ser buscado no Almoxarifado Empoeirado.